1946 McCall Sewing Booklet
This is a reproduction of the 1946 edition of the comprehensive guide to sewing originally published by McCall Corporation, Dressmaking Made Easy.
Here, you see just 6 of the 96 pages all of which are rich in detailed text and enlarged illustrations.
See the Contents image for this and many, many more listings of sewing how-to:
~Choosing Pattern size and altering patterns
~Cutting, marking, pressing and basting
~Matching plaids or stripes
~Lace joining, lace corners and sewing techniques
~Cutting and sewing fur
~Making Coats
~Tailored linings
~Decorative hand-stitching and finishing
~Sewing machine attachments
This re-print contains 96 pages bound in a water-proof cover.
8-1/2" by 11"